My name is Chayton Harris. I am a senior broadcasting student at Davison High School for the award-winning DTV program. I have been involved in the class and other broadcasting activities for 6 years. I am involved in planning our daily live newscasts as well as all of our live sporting events. I am the play-by-play announcer for our Cardinal Varsity Football and Basketball teams during our live broadcasts. When you don't see or hear me on TV you can catch me on the lacrosse field. I am a 4-year varsity lacrosse player and 2-year starter. I am the youngest child of 3 and live with my mom Crystal and dad John. I will be attending Central Michigan University to play Lacrosse as well as to study broadcasting. My dream is to one day excel in commentating for football and become a professional. Randy Scott and Amy Lesko have both helped me grow so much in this program and without them, I would not have found my love for broadcasting.